Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Can I be honest for a moment?  Sometimes I am so busy looking at what others have and their gifts that I neglect my own.  The picture is of children opening presents, but one child sits with her present unopened because she is fixated on what the others have. As she watches them open their gifts she starts to whine and wishes she had beautiful gifts like theirs while hers sits within reach, but untouched. Her gift seems smaller in comparison and not as exciting as the others. Oh how she wishes she had something else! The young girl has no idea that her gift is special and just right for her. If she would just take the time to open her gift she would see that it's wonderful. I don't want to be that little girl anymore.

 And none of us have to be that little girl if we would just appreciate and cultivate what God has given us.  Then we wouldn't be threatened by or jealous of someones gift. Instead, we would have genuine joy over what God is doing in the life of another.  I sure hope this doesn't end up being easier said than done.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Why the name Mrs. Merry Mack?

I hated hearing people sing Miss Merry Mack whenever they saw me.  What's worse is people wouldn't wait until they were close to shout the song. Oh no. They would scream it at the top of their lungs as soon as I came in sight; A million miles away! Or so it seemed. But, the more I think of the name the more I realize that Miss Merry Mack is actually who I am and who I desperately desire to be.  Let me explain.

I don't know of any girl who dreamed of marriage more than I did. Scratch that, who dreamed of having a man more than I did. When I was 14 I would write whole poems about unfound love, suppressed love, forbidden love, or down right stupid love. Boy am I glad that God did not give me what I begged for, because if I would have received the immature love that I "thought" I wanted then right now I would be someones baby momma. That type of love was not God's best for me. 

Instead, God in His mercy extended His true love to me and showed me what it means to really be loved with an everlasting love. One that my 14 year old self never even imagined, but at 18 received with gratefulness. As if that wasn't enough God saw fit to let me experience the love of a man who stepped to the plate, pursued me and gave me his last name. What! So, not only has God given me His everlasting love, but He gave me what I dreamed of; someone to share this life with. So yes, I have cause to be a merry Mrs. Mack.

As I grow closer to the Lord and wiser as a wife I have come to realize that being joyful is a worthwhile goal. According to scripture I have joy in me through the Holy Spirit. But, to be joyful I have to make conscious decisions to see circumstances in light of what God has given me (my inheritance: new life, everlasting life, power, etc). In this way I can "greatly rejoice with a joy inexpressible" as Peter puts it (1Peter1:1-8).
Thus, I will write about my journey in and toward being a joyful/merry woman. At the same time I will also write about the hardships that I encounter on this journey. With this blog I hope you find laughter (anyone who knows me knows that I can be a hot mess!), wisdom and encouragement.  Thanks for being interested in what I have to say:)

Christ's Joy,